Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Week8-Thoughts on Test1

Couple weeks have passed after Test, but I decide to write down some thoughts about it for future reference. I was quite nervous about it, so I copied all the lecture slides onto the cheat sheet. However, I realized that it is completely unnecessary, because I don't really have time to double check my answers according to the original code on my messy cheat sheet. I think I need to record some insights so that I can have some clues for future test preparation. 
1. Review lab materials.  The last two questions is very similar to lab questions.
2. Review a code my re-typing it. Since CSC108, I have known that there is a difference between understanding a code and being able to reproduce it during the test. I often have problem with generating a specific code even though I feel that I have the general understanding of the algorithm. 
3. Use the cheat sheet efficiently. It is unnecessary to have a fill every corner of the paper, having the sheet means to providing me insights for complex problems and confidence for simple ones.
4. Review Assignments. Submitting an assignment does not means to say goodbye to it. Many classical algorithms are repetitive, and can show again on the test. 
5. Read other people's slog. I check my friend Sylvia's slog(http://sylviasuyao.blogspot.ca/) quite often because I know that she has a great overall understanding of the course. When I had difficulty of understanding recursion couple weeks ago, her writing about recursion, especially the article "Recursion Explain with the Flood Fill Algorithm" she linked in her slog helped me a lot. 
All in all, this test wasn’t too difficult. I think the grade should not be disappointing, and I hope that I can apply what I learnt in this test to future tests and assignments. 

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